One person responded to last week's Big Question. Thank you, Shelley! I think
you are probably correct, and will let you know once verified;-)
Day does not understand all the hoopla over wrinkle removers. Rainy D has
wrinkles, and she's quite content. Yes, they make her look a bit older, but she
remembers all the adventures that put them there--the near misses while
traveling the Blue Highways, the trials (not to mention the tribulations) of
raising two children. She remembers her Dearly Beloved Ex and the fun times
they had at the beginning of their relationship. Oh, and the memories from
Basic Training, and the memories from her jobs after the military. Yes, Rainy D
is actually somewhat proud of her wrinkles, and really doesn't see a reason to
go spend good, hard earned money to get rid of them.
D would rather spend that money on books! She doesn't have quite so many all
over her house any more, but she still buys them. Rainy Day has come, kicking
and screaming, into the electronic age – she has an eReader, and on that
little, hand held computer, she has books, books, and more books. She even gets
her favorite magazine delivered not to her door, but to her eReader! Why, Rainy
Day can even read those books on her phone! Whatever is this world coming too?
should Rainy Day care about wrinkles? Her quilts don't care that she has
wrinkles. Her animals don't care. Her kids never notice and her eReader only
wants to be held, and now and again charged.
if she got rid of her wrinkles, Rainy Day is positive she would never have the
beauty of Sophia Loren or Elizabeth Taylor – so she is content to stay wrinkled
and be happy as she is. Unless, of course, by getting rid of the wrinkles, she
might have a chance with the cute young man next door....
if you'd like to see what books Rainy Day has read, and if it's suitable for
eReaders, go to Rainy Day Reads.)