A Weekly Offering of This n That

Rainy Day is my alter ego. She is the little angel that sits on one shoulder and whispers in my ear to forgo that 6" piece of triple chocolate fudge with the four scoops of ice cream on it; she is also the little devil who sits on my other shoulder and convinces me that I can eat just one bite of each and be satisfied, and then laughs with such great abandon when in fact, I eat the whole thing, she falls off my shoulder. Mostly, Rainy Day helps me see the humor in living and, mostly, she encourages me down the right path. Not necessarily the straight and narrow one (how fun is that?) but the path that offers the most adventure and fun.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day Tripping in the Palouse

Last week, Rainy Day and two of her gal pals, who are also photographers, joined Rainy Day and they took a day trip through a portion of the Palouse. First stop was Colfax, WA for lunch at a nice sandwich shop, and then up to the top of Steptoe Butte, 3612 feet high, about 1,000 feet above the surrounding countryside.

They hoped to go far enough east to escape the smoke from the Washington fires, but bumped smack into the smoke of the Idaho fires. When they reached the top of the Butte, they were out of the smoke and haze, but not for long. The smoke was from forest fires and the haze from plowing. The Palouse is wheat and legume country.

Here are some of the pictures Rainy Day took that day. For more photos go to her Flickr site at http://www.flickr.com/photos/62262369@N04/sets/ And do leave comments, Rainy D loves comments.
Common sunflowers by side of road
Cattails and Lady Bug
Wheat and lentil farms from top of Steptoe Butte
Harvested wheat from top of Steptoe Butte
Palouse Falls with Faery Castle

Faery Castle above Palouse Falls
Palouse Falls with rainbow (faery wraiths?)
Railroad bridge across the Snake River just below mouth of the Palouse River
Rainy Day hopes you enjoy the pictures.

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